Monday, April 12, 2010

New Oprah Biography Reveal Her Dark Secrets

April 12, 2010
Author Kitty Kelley is
revealing all about
America’s favorite talk
show queen Oprah in her
latest biography. But we
highly think Winfrey will
be running to the
bookstore to pick up a
The book is reportedly all about Oprah’s
deepest darkest secrets, and the woman she
is when the cameras aren’t rolling. Kelley
appeared on the Today show this morning
and said, "There are so many secrets in her
life. Secrets about her relationship, secrets
within her family.”
Kelley never actually spoke to Oprah directly
to get information for the book, but says she
used countless interviews the talk-show
queen has given through the years, and also
quotes from friends, family members and
As for the rumor Winfrey and her best friend
Gayle King are in a relationship, Kelley says
there is "no foundation for the rumors of a
lesbian relationship." However Kelley quotes
Rosie O'Donnell (from a 2009 Howard Stern
interview) saying Winfrey and King are the
"emotional equivalent of a gay couple," and
author Erica Jong saying, "I would not be
surprised if Oprah is gay."
The author goes into deeper secrets, like
claiming that Oprah was molested as a
young girl, and has a secret birth father. Her
known father, Vernon Winfrey, was
interviewed for the book, and told Kelley,: "I
need her show like a hog needs a holiday.
She may be admired by the world, but I
know the truth. So does God and so does
Oprah. Two of us remain ashamed."
So scandalous! We couldn’t imagine what he
is referring to, but now the book is sounding
a little interesting! Oprah is out in stores

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