Saturday, April 24, 2010

GUS Celebrity Showdown:Bob,The' Chairman' Bow Out

For viewers of the on-going Gulder Ultimate Search (GUS)
Celebrity Showdown, the reality TV show from the stable of the
Nigerian Breweries Plc, is simply nothing short of sheer
entertainment and fun.
Coming on the heels of these is the tremendous increase in
viewership as Nigerians now look forward to Sunday night every
week. Like the very popular Mirror in the Sun soap that ran on
NTA network in the 80s, viewers are now getting addicted to the
GUS Celebrity Showdown on select television channels if the
messages on scroll during the programme are anything to go by.
The latest gist of the GUS Celebrity Showdown is the eviction
of the “Chairman” (being a popular and ex-anchor for the
regular GUS) Bob-Manuel Udokwu. Bob who has always
given the celebrity hunters insight as an experienced hand on
what to do, or what to expect and what not to expect from
each designated assignment, is now the fallen hero.
The last task was for the contestants to drag three bags full of
puzzles into their given baskets, after which they will arrange
them. According to the anchor, Genevieve Nnaji, no winner
would emerge, however a loser was required. Princess, for
the first time, finished first in her task. Bob finished last, hence
his eviction. Bob makes it the number two person to be
evicted from the GUS Celebrity Showdown.
As an ex-anchor of the regular GUS reality show, one would have
expected Bob-manuel Udokwu to go all the way to the finals. His
eviction was a big surprise to fellow contestants who looked up to
him for advice, having been there before, though as an anchor
Chioma, who, by the way, shares a more agreeable bond with
Bob, registered the greatest shock. She couldn ’t just believe it, as
Genevieve asked Bob to go break his calabash and leave the camp
Bob took his eviction rather philosophically, preferring not to
bemoan his fate but move on with his life. “I don’t like to look over
my shoulders. I prefer to look ahead and focus on the future” he
said, after smashing his calabash.

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