Thursday, April 29, 2010

Jacko Backo

THE Jacko fan who moonwalked in a Darth Vader costume
on last year's Britain's Got Talent is back - this time as
Darth Jackson was a hit
grooving to Thriller and
this year judges laughed
when he took to the
stage and announced his
name was "Bat Jackson".
Postal worker Philip
Farrugia, 37, made a tidy
sum dancing as the Star
Wars baddie on the
show's live tour after
appearing on the ITV1
series last year.
But the Brummie
decided to audition again - in a superhero outfit - as a tribute to
Michael Jackson, who died after last year's series.
A show source said last night: "This guy came on stage at
Birmingham and the judges thought they recognised him in spite
of his disguise.
"When he announced who he was the audience just fell about
laughing. But he provided some light relief as it had been a long
slog of a day."
The audition will be screened in the next few weeks.
Meanwhile, details emerged last night of an amazing stunt by
Stevie "The Regurgitator" Starr, - who freaked out judges by
swallowing and heaving up items on last Saturday's BGT show.
TV Biz has learned that in the 1980s he was seen gulping down a
mixed-up Rubik's Cube - then bringing it up SOLVED.

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