out of a BBC interview after he was
accused of making Robin Hood sound
IRISH in his new film.
Listen to Russell Crowe's rant on the
player below...
The New Zealander was being quizzed
on Radio 4 about his dodgy Sherwood
Forest accent when he lost his rag and
yelled: "B****cks!"
Cursing Crowe, 46, flipped when
interviewer MARK LAWSON suggested
"hints" of Irish in his portrayal of the
Nottingham legend - and asked the
Hollywood hellraiser why.
The Gladiator star raged: "You've got
dead ears mate - seriously dead ears if
you think that's an Irish accent."
Lawson - in an interview for Front Row
recorded at London's Dorchester Hotel
- asked him if the accent was meant to
be northern.
The actor snarled before flouncing off:
"No I was going for an Italian... missed
it? F*** me."
Crowe has seethed since critics at the
Cannes premiere of Robin Hood slated
his lilt.
One likened it to an Aussie "doing an
impression of Jim Bowen off Bullseye."
The star has claimed he used a
YORKSHIRE accent because some
experts say the outlaw was really from
But neither of his voice coaches said
that was a twang he learned.
Sara Poyzer, 39, insisted she taught
him the Nottinghamshire accent,
adding: "I thought he did a pretty
good job."
Judy Dickerson said she coached him
to speak like someone from the
Either way, people near Robin's old
stomping ground scoffed at how
their hero is depicted by the actor,
famed for rages that include hurling a
phone at a hotel worker.
Nottingham postman Aidan Atkinson,
36, said: "He sounds daft."
Phil Sergeant, 44, said: "He talks like a
Lord Of The Rings hobbit."
Crowe did have one unlikely ally.
Councillor Leon Unczer - the modern-
accent was "not bad".
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