Monday, March 1, 2010

Leukamia patients mum accuses Rihanna of PR stunt

Last month,
away from
During her
battle, she
caught the attention of
Rihanna, whom she was a huge
fan of.
Rihanna visited little Jasmina
numerous times in the hospital,
helped to raise money for her
medical bills, and used her
notoriety to seek a bone
marrow transplant for her.
But since Jasmina’s passing on
January 28th, the girl’s mother
says she hasn’t heard from
Rihanna. In fact, a tweet was
posted from the account
ONEFORJASMINA read today, "It
has been a month since
Jasmina's passing. Still not even a
card or text message from
Rihanna. Did she use my child for
a publicity stunt?"
The post has since been
removed, but it was retweeted
by dozens of other Twitter
followers. A new post reads:
"Apparently there are some
negative blogs out there. For the
record, Rihanna has been
nothing but really nice!!!"
So what does Jasmina’s mother
Thea Amina really think about
Rihanna? She denies even
writing the post to People.
"Friends have helped me with all
kinds of stuff and many know
the passwords to my personal e-
mail, the Caringbridge site and
also Twitter," Anema says.
"Although I did not Tweet this
particular one, I do wish that
Rihanna had responded to me
on Jasmina's passing. It would
have meant the world to me."
Though that may seem a little
harsh, given how much Rihanna
cared for her, Thea does seem to
see the whole picture. "Jasmina
adored her," she continues.
"Rihanna was so kind to come
and visit her. I just felt hurt not
hearing anything from her. Or of
any other celebrities for that
matter. The only ones who
reached out to me personally
during this time of grief were
the Obamas."
Do you think Jasmina’s mother
(and friends that tweeted the
post) is justified in calling out
Rihanna? Or should she have
contacted the mother after
being so involved with her
daughter? Tell us your thoughts!

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