Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Lady Gaga defends passing out on stage

Lady Gaga
came under
fire recently
after she
appeared to
have passed
out during
one of her
concerts in
New Zealand. But she's broken
her silence on the issue, blaming
it on all the traveling she's been
doing for her tour.
"I was so jet lagged," she told an
Australian radio show. "I passed
out about three times on stage
that night but I got myself to
the floor. I'd rather die on stage
than walk off because I was
going to pass out."
Despite the explanation, many
worry that Gaga has become
overworked and
undernourished in recent
months. She looks drastically
thinner than she did at the start
of her career, and has been
busier than ever. A source close
to her tells People, "She's on the
verge of tipping," says the
source. "She's only human."
But in true Gaga form, her
fatigue hasn't stopped her one
bit. She told reporters she was
feeling "completely rejuvenated
and excited."
We suppose that's the price A-
list stars pay for beig so famous!
But it does worry us that more
and more stars are having to
check into rehab facilities for
We hope after this world tour,
Gaga gives herself a little break!

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