Wednesday, December 8, 2010

Lindsay Say No to The Jive

Lindsay Says No to the Jive
Guess Lindsay Lohan won't be dancing her way back into the spotlight after all.

There's been a lot of buzz surrounding Lindsay possibly being a contestant on the next season of Dancing with the Stars but her rep just squashed those rumors once and for all.

Michael Lohan: Lindsay Was Conceived High

“Lindsay Lohan is not doing Dancing with the Stars,” her rep tells Gossip Cop. “The story is false.”

That's too bad because Kyle Massey, who made it to the finals last season on DWTS, was really excited about the idea. "If Lindsay Lohan was on Dancing With the Stars,” Kyle told Hollyscoop, “I’d watch it every single day.”

I'll admit I was really hoping the rumors were true too, but there goes that.

Nude Photos of Christina Aguilera Leaked Online

Nude Photos of Christina Aguilera Leaked Online
Oh boy, here we go again. Christina Aguilera is the latest star to leak fall victim to hackers releasing nude photos of her.

Christina, who has been pretty desperate for attention lately, apparently sent these racy photos to her stylist and a "hacker" got in and leaked them online.

"The photos of Christina Aguilera being leaked to the press were illegally obtained by a hacker who tapped into Christina's personal stylist's account," according to a statement from the singer's rep.

"The photos were taken in the privacy of Ms. Aguilera's home and were used only in a personal exchange between the star and her stylist."

First of all why the hell are you taking half naked photos and sending them to your stylist? And secondly, how messed up does she look in the photos? These must have been taken a while ago though, because lets be honest she's been...

Oprah Addresses Lesbian Rumours with Gayle

Oprah Addresses Lesbian Rumors With Gayle
Oprah is finally opening up about what’s really going on with her bestie Gayle King! Are these two just a couple of lezzies who like to rock out to Melissa Etheridge and eat sushi off each other? Uh, not so much.

Oprah sat down with Barbara Walters in a special that airs tomorrow night (no she’s not one of the most fascinating peeps) and gets emotional with Babs brings up old Gayle!

"She is ... the mother I never had. She is ... the sister everybody would want. She is the friend that everybody deserves. I don't know a better person. I don't know a better person," Oprah says tearfully.

"It's making me cry because I'm thinking about ... how much ... I probably have never told her that. Tissue please. I now need tissue. I've never told her that," she confesse...

Victoria Beckham Working Too Hard

Victoria Beckham Working Too Hard
Victoria Beckham flew out to London this week to attend the British Fashion Awards. Posh was nominated for Designer Brand of the Year, but she lost to Mulberry.

That shouldn't make her feel bad one bit because Victoria has come such a long way in the fashion design world. She's already dressed A-list celebs such as Demi Moore, Oprah, Blake Lively and much more.

What I really want to talk about is the way she looked at the award show. Her dress and shoes were fabulous, but I am not digging the hair and makeup she's been sporting lately.

Either she fired her hair and makeup person or they have been slipping in recent months because she's been looking…well, not like the Victoria we all love and admire.

She actually looks like she's been working round the clock for her fashion line and when you're working that hard...

Aretha Franklin Has Cancer

Aretha Franklin Has Cancer
This is horrible! Just one week after being hospitalized for a mystery illness, Aretha Franklin has been diagnosed with cancer.

Fox News was able to confirm the sad news through a source well connected with Aretha.

The National Enquirer reported Wednesday that she has incurable pancreatic cancer, which has a 5-10% chance of recovery. The chances would be even lower for someone of Aretha's age and weight.

Last Thursday, Franklin released a statement on her illness saying, “The surgery was highly successful. God is still in control. I had superb doctors and nurses whom were blessed by all the prayers of the city and the country. God bless you all for your prayers! -- The Queen of Soul, Ms. Aretha Franklin”

You're in our thoughts and prayers Ms. Aretha!

Details About Nicole Richie Intimate Wedding

Details About Nicole Richie's Intimate Wedding
After about 15 false alarms it seems Nicole Richie and Joel Madden are finally getting married this weekend!

Nicole has reduced the guest list (sorry Paris!) to just super close friends and family members. Trucks have been lined up outside of father Lionel Richie's house in Beverly Hills all week to set up for the affair.

Nicole & Joel: How It All Started

A source told Radaronline: "Nicole cut down the guest list because she didn't want a huge wedding.

"She didn't invite a bunch of her celeb friends. This has apparently upset a lot of people."

So far we know the wedding will be true to Nicole's style, Christina Aguilera will be one of the guests--if not performer and Joel will have Benji by his side as his best man.

After years of dating and two kids, this wedding was a...

Celine Dion Introduces Her Miracle Babies to The World

Celine Dion Introduces Her Miracle Babies to the World
Double awwwww!!! Celine Dion introduced her six-week-old twin boys Eddy and Nelson to the world today via not one magazine, but two! Both People and Canada’s Hello! magazine got the pics of the boys, born October 23.

"The love and what I feel inside, what we have accomplished – I don't know how to put it into words," Dion tells the magazine. "It's bigger than life itself."

She also talks about the differences between her two new boys. "They are very different," says Dion. "Eddy is my smallest, very delicate and needs to be cuddled a lot. And Nelson is darker and very loud, in a good way. He's my bear, my big boy!"

Celine Dion Reveals the Twins Names

As for Celine’s other son Rene-Charles, he’s taken on the big-brother duty of picking out the twins’ lullabies. "We've been singing Take Me...

Tuesday, December 7, 2010

Barcherlorette Ali Has Motherhood on Her Mind

Bachelorette Ali Has Motherhood on Her Mind
Ever since Bachelorette Ali Fedotowsky and her fiancé Roberto got engaged, the world has been wondering when they’re going to tie the knot!

Hollyscoop chatted with the cute couple at the KIIS-FM Jingle Ball and they gave us major wedding and baby scoop!

Ali admitted things have been “crazy” since the televised engagement. “Busy, but fun,” butted in Roberto. “We’re having a good time.”

So is the love still there even though the cameras are gone? According to Roberto, yes! “The chemistry is just there,” he said smiling at Ali. “I think we just try to do as many things as we can together, value the time we’re together.”

“We also realize when we need to spend time apart,” add Ali jokingly.

“We made a commitment to each other, and we choose to love each other and to be together.”

Kim Kardashian and Gabriel Aubry Splits

Kim Kardashian and Gabriel Aubry Split
I'd love to say "Kim Kardashian is back on the singles market," but that's not the case.

Kim and Halle Berry's ex Gabriel Aubrey did split, but luckily she has a backup.

Kim has been quietly dating New Jersey Nets player Kris Humphries "for a while now," according to People magazine

"They get along so well," says a source. "They've been taking it slow but they have so much fun together."

K squared (Kim and Kris) were spotted kissing and holding hands in Hoboken, New Jersey over the weekend.

We all know Kim has a weak spot for athletes so Kris is definitely a better match for her.

Elizabeth Edwards Has Died

Elizabeth Edwards Has Died
We're sad to report that Elizabeth Edwards lost her six year battle with breast cancer and passed away today.

According to the Associated Press Elizabeth's family friend confirmed the news. The friend confirmed that John Edwards was among those who were at her side during her final days.

Just yesterday she posted a posted a Facebook message to her friends that read, "I have been sustained throughout my life by three saving graces – my family, my friends, and a faith in the power of resilience and hope."

She added, "These graces have carried me through difficult times and they have brought more joy to the good times than I ever could have imagined. The days of our lives, for all of us, are numbered. We know that."

She was first diagnosed with breast cancer in November 2004 and was hospitalized as recently as Thanksgiving of this year.

This is just so sad! Rest...

Carried Underwood on Babies:Uh No Thanks

Carried Underwood on Babies: Uh No Thanks
Whatever you do, don't ask Carrie Underwood about having babies.

The newlywed has had to answer the baby question about 57,846 times since tying the knot in July and she's totally over it.

"Everybody, like, is on this baby bandwagon, I don't know what the deal is," Carried told Us Weekly at Monday's American Country Awards in Las Vegas. "But I would really like to figure out what it's like to be married first, and I know he would too."

So basically unless she had an accident, don't expect to see a growing baby bump anytime soon. "Sometimes I know God laughs at your plans, and says, 'Nope,'" said Carrie. "But it's definitely not in ours any time soon. So, no babies."

So we can all put the Carrie baby plans to rest for a few months. And while we're on the subject Hilary Duff isn't planning on becoming a mother...

Lady GaGa Most Searched Artist of The Year

Lady Gaga Most Searched Artist of the Year
Michael Jackson may be the King of Pop, but Lady Gaga is the queen of the search engines! She was the top-searched musician on in 2010!

Gaga beat out not only Michael, but Justin Bieber as well for the top honors. Madonna was bumped out of the top fifteen names this year, leaving room for artists like Miley Cyrus, Katy Perry, and Rihanna.

Bieber was a close second to Gaga, and if his 2011 looks anything like this year, he may be snagging the top honors next year. Then again, Gaga’s new album drops in May, so it’s not like she’s going anywhere!

Here’s the list of the Top Searched Musicians on in 2010…whose name did you type the most this year?

1. Lady Gaga
2. Justin Bieber
3. Michael Jackson
4. Miley Cyrus
5. Britney Spears

How Kyle Massey Feels About Lindsay Joining DWTS

How Kyle Massey Feels About Lindsay Joining DWTS
Dancing With the Stars Contestant Kyle Massey made it to the very end of the show this year, before being beat out by Jennifer Grey.

But Kyle was a season favorite for sure, and he told Hollyscoop EXCLUSIVELY who should be in the next season!

We had to ask Kyle what he thought about Lindsay Lohan joining the cast, which from what I hear, is a definite possibility!

Here's what he told us at KIIS-FM's Jingle Ball.

Why Lindsay Needs to Be on Dancing With the Stars

“If Lindsay Lohan was on Dancing With the Stars,” Kyle said emphatically, “I’d watch it every single day.”

So who else is on Massey’s short list? “Oprah,” he said. “Oprah needs to be on Dancing With the Stars.”

Yeah, if only it weren’t for that network she’s creating next year, it’d be perfect! Kyle...

Kate Moss outshines Gisele Bundchen!

Kate Moss Outshines Gisele Bundchen!
Gisele Bundchen might be the cover girl for the December issue of Vogue Italia, but Kate Moss' pictorial inside definitely outshines the cover girl.

Moss is sporting a brunette wig inside the mag and it looks as good as her signature blonde hair.

I'm not exactly sure what look she's going for, but it doesn't really matter because she's looks so freaking beautiful. Those cat eyes of hers are so enchanting!

Why would they put Gisele on the cover if they were gonna put ridiculously hot pics of Kate inside? They should have just used Kate Moss on the cover.

Dina Is not Going to be Happy About This One!

Dina Is Not Going to be Happy About This One!
Sorry Linds, no white Christmas for you this year. Lindsay Lohan won't be allowed to go back home to Long Island for the holidays thanks to the whole rehab thing and if anyone is pissed about it it's mama Dina.

Dina knows that staying in LA will result in Lindsay hanging out with her dad Michael, and nothing annoys her more than the thought of her daughter being on good terms with her dad. Mother of the year awards on line one...

Lindsay has been doing great at Betty Ford and while she's allowed to leave for day trips, there's no way in hell they'll let her fly all the way to New York and be with her enabler mother.

“Lindsay won’t be allowed to leave the state of California for Christmas — period. It was never a consideration for Thanksgiving and it won’t be for Christmas. Dina wants her...

Khloe Kardashian Compare Airport Security to Being Raped

Khloe Kardashian Compares Airport Security to Being Raped
Cue RAINN (Rape, Abuse & Incest National Network) in 3…2…1.

Khloe Kardashian went on George Lopez last night, and compared going through airport security to being raped in public. Whoopsie daisies! She’s definitely going to piss off a lot of people with that comment!

Khloe told Lopez she hates flying, and going through the TSA screening is part of the reason why. "Well, they basically just are raping you in public. I got asked the other day, do you want to go for a screening or get padded down, I don't want that X-Ray to see everything, honey," she said.

"The people are so aggressive! It's like, 'Chill out, you didn't find anything on me yet, calm down,'" Kardashian added. "They say, 'OK, I'm going to be patting you down and I'm going to be touching the crease of your ass.' That is so inappropriate!"

I totes agree with...

Just How Loaded is Jessica Simpson?Think Billions

Just How Loaded is Jessica Simpson? Think Billions
We can laugh all we want about how Jessica Simpson’s love life sucked until a couple weeks ago when she proposed to got engaged to ex-footballer Eric Johnson, but come to think of it, we all owe her a lot of credit.

Sure, Jess may be a ditzy blonde on the outside, but she’s one of the most business-savvy women to hit Hollywood in a long time—maybe ever.

In a new article for WWD, Simpson’s net worth is examined, and it’s going to make you want to throw up. Ready for it? She’s reportedly worth almost a billion dollars. That’s like Oprah money!

So what makes Jess so successful? Vince Camuto, the founder and CEO of Camuto Group, her brand's master licensee, told WWD, "She is the girl next door and has great product that surrounds her. People like her. People look at her as a style icon."


Salma Hayek Makes Bold Statement!

Salma Hayek Makes Bold Statement!
Salma Hayek graces the cover of V Magazine's 7th Spain issue. What makes this cover so special?

Aside from the fact that she's wearing a fabulous gold embellished jacket by Alexander McQueen, the equally fabulous Karl Lagerfeld actually photographed her for the cover.

This is a very bold cover! If you are passing by a magazine stand chances are this pic of Salma will catch your eye.

But then again, there is something so interesting about Salma Hayek that you will probably stop regardless of the cover.

What do you think of Karl's photo?

Alex Rodriguez is Hot for Real Housewife

Alex Rodriguez is Hot for a Real Housewife?
Code red! Alex Rodriguez who is infamously known for being a man whore ladies man was reportedly seen flirting with Real Housewives of New York whack job star Kelly Bensimon just weeks after rekindling his relationship with Cameron Diaz.

Alex and Kelly were both in Miami for Art Basel and they attended the same party hosted by Vito Schnabel, Alex Dellal and Stavros Niarchos.

“He had his arm ’round Kelly and they were flirting,” a witness told Page Six.

Let’s be real, this sounds like something Kelly Bensimon leaked herself to get some press.

She was the one so desperately seeking attention that she had paps taking her photo while on the beach in her bikini. We get it; you’re a cougar with a nice body!

Friday, December 3, 2010

Tonto Picks on Charles Novia

@tontolet “Dis is 2a dumb azz man + producer+ director Charles Novia or wateva**Itz a matter of we never getting 2 meet cos den u’ll knw miii bitch**”
We don’t know the genesis of this matter but anyone can tell that all is not well between beautiful and young fast-rising actress, Tonto Dike and movie and one-time music video producer, Charles Novia.
Tonto Dike
Charles Novia has been around Nigeria’s entertainment industry for a long time. Tonto on the other hand came into the scene in 2009, three years after she competed in popular talent hunt- Next Movie Star. She emerged first runner up.
Tonto is currently embroiled in controversy over a sexually explicit role she played in her most recent movie- Dirty Secrets. Whatever issues she has with movie producer Charles Novia, that has warranted such statements on Twitter, including calling herself a bitch, this emerging screen siren may need to slow down and have a rethink. This is still Africa, and elders are to be respected, regardless.

Why I Stormed out on Obi Asika-GT tha Guitarman

Several times the media had reported him leaving the record label he was signed to owing to his expired contract. But each time, he refuted the claim.
For the first time in years, Gbemiro Tokunbo Akingbogun whom we all know as GT the guitarman, discusses  life as a Storm Records artiste, why he couldn’t leave Storm two years after his contract expired and how he’s forging on with his new label called ‘Ember Entertainment’.
How does it feel starting off on your own?
I’ve always wanted to have a company of my own but then I used to think you need to have all the money in the world to do that. Somehow, because of the people I’m surrounded with now, they make me feel like I can actually do just that.
GT tha Guitarman
And already I’ve been getting free stuffs. There are three directors who have decided to shoot videos for me for free. There are two producers who want to work on my album for free and someone’s working on my website for free. There are about five managers managing Ember entertainment. It’s a great thing. There’s no record deal bigger than that. It gives me freedom to do my things myself. I could wake up in the middle of the night with an idea, call my team, tell it to them and we can actualize it.
Why did you decide to name your company ‘Ember’?
I first came up with ‘Me Records’ but someone said it sounded like EME (Banky W’s record label). My managers said we needed to find a name that represents who I am and that’s very much like the ‘Ember’. The dictionary meaning of the word ‘Ember’ is ‘wood or coal that’s not burning but is still red and hot even after the fire’s out’.
I have a spirit that can’t be killed. I’ve always tried to inspire people in different ways and it’s finally time to let it reflect in my own life. That’s what Ember is about-it’s the never dying spirit that I carry.
Why start now?
I was signed to Storm Records for three years. I got signed in 2005. It’s 2010 already meaning I stayed two years extra.  That was because my album wasn’t released on time. While it delayed, I wondered if I should leave and let all the songs I’d written go. I had to consider a lot of things but finally I’ve made the decision and the news is out there that I’m no more with Storm Records. We’re friends though and I hope we can still do business together but in a different way this time.
Why didn’t you move out before now?
I loved it at Storm. It was pretty convenient. If I got broke, I could easily call Obi (Asika _ Storm records boss). If I needed to buy anything at all, he would easily give me. But it just gets to a point that you tell yourself that you need to lay a foundation for something that’s real. I asked myself, ‘will I keep asking Obi for money’?
‘If I want to get married, will Obi be responsible for my bride’s price’? I needed to create a next level for GT. I know of so many artistes who don’t have a career anymore and there’s nothing to fall back on. I just had to do something for my life and I think ‘Ember Entertainment is the next level. It’s a place where I can have total control of my life.
Did you make money while you were with Storm?
I played a few shows. I made some money but then it depends on what you call ‘money’.
How prepared are you for survival, as an independent artiste, in the keenly competed musical terrain?
That’s part of the reasons why I had to make structural adjustments. If certain things are not working, one should try to look out for how to better them and that’s what I’m doing.  There will always be a point when one leaves to start out things for himself.
Did you make any effort at renewing your contract with Storm?
They wanted to renew the contract but I had my own goals, dreams and year by year plan. Most of the goals I set for myself weren’t achieved while I was with them.
In all the years of delay did you ask questions and what explanations were you given?
I don’t really remember all the details because I left them behind. When the album finally came out, I was relieved.
So what’s the full scope of ‘Ember entertainment’?
For now, it’s an entertainment company concentrating on GT the guitarman. It’s a record label cum so many other things. We intend to go into fashion too but that would be much later. You know priorities change per time. For now it’s the record label arm I’m pushing. We intend going into partnership with the guys shooting the videos.
What changes are coming with the Ember?
One, the Afro’s gone. Two, there’s no more ‘the guitarman’ _ it’s simply GT. Then, I lost the hat. I’m a bit more experienced. I know more about the business now than five years ago. I’m more in control now ‘cos it’s my business. A lot of things have changed.
Will the music change?
It’s the same style you’ll be having just that I’m going to be a little more commercial with my songs. I’m going for some of these easy-sell songs. There’ll be one or two of them in my coming album. I already have a list of songs I intend to record. I wrote them way back and I’m just choosing from the list.  It’s going to have about twelve tracks.
Do you have a title for the album yet?
I’m looking at ‘control’ but it’s not final yet. The album will drop next year so there’s no need to rush for a name. I know that the first single I release will go a long way in affecting the perception of Ember entertainments so even though I’ve recorded some of the twelve songs I’m not releasing any yet till my team chooses. Whatever I do is going to come out great.
Where and how did you finally find the courage to walk away because the media had reported you leaving so many times?
There comes a time when you have to say good bye especially when you find out things are not working. You list the options available and make your decision. It was just time that I stood up and be a man.  There are so many artistes on the label and you had to wait your turn which is normal. I had to plan things well before making my decision. The times I asked questions they said, there were problems with the marketer.
So is losing the Afro part of the ways you intend to forget the brand Storm built?
Not exactly. Growing an Afro was Obi’s idea. That was because I was pretty young then. The Afro was suppose to help me look more mature or older. I don’t need that anymore. Now, I’m 26. I’m grown. It’s been five years and it’s time for ‘Ember Entertainment’.

Eldee,Omawumi,Denrele to feature in Jenifa 3

Though the second installment of Funke Akindele's career-defining movie, Jenifa, is still fresh on movie shelves, work has already begun on the third entitled The Return of Jenifa. Akindele who is capitalising on the increasing popularity of the Jenifa franchise has assembled a stellar cast comprising singer - songwriter-producer, El Dee; diva, Omawumi; esoteric on-air personality, Denrele Edun; choreographer, Kaffy; comedienne, Helen Paul; and a host of other actresses including Rukky Sanda.

Denrele and Akindele on set of Jenifa 3


E-Punch also gathered that but for a last-minute fallout, D'banj would have played a prominent role in Jenifa 3. He has reportedly been replaced by R&B star, Banky W. The movie is being directed by renowned musical videos director, DJ Tee. Excited at her Nollywood debut, Omawumi said, "When I saw the script, it was love at first sight, this movie is going to be funny."
Not exactly new to the big screen, the excitement is not any less for El Dee whose songs, especially Ota mi also feature prominently as sound track in the movie. He tells E-Punch, "I have done a few stuffs in movies here and there but nothing compares with this. This is the first time I'm doing a Nollywood feature. It's a whole new experience however because I'm getting to see how much goes into actual movie making and working with a whole lot of other creative people. What makes it even easier is that DJ Tee is working on it too and we've worked extensively together in the past."
Describing Akindele as a hard working, creative young lady, El Dee says further, "I'm excited about being in this movie. It's going to be big, in fact, one of the biggest next year."
Long before she found mainstream Nollywood success, Akindele, a law graduate of the University of Lagos was one of the most bankable faces in the Yoruba sector of the industry. Her 2008 movie, Jenifa, was a roaring success, winning prestigious awards at home and abroad, while also netting for her a major endorsement deal with Globacom and a fan base that would make many contemporary pop stars consider a career detour.

Nicki Minaj:I want Prince Harry so bad!

Nicki Minaj: I Want Prince Harry So Bad!
Prince William is officially off the market, but his naughty younger brother, Prince Harry is still available. And bad girl Nicki Minaj has a serious crush on him.

Nicki is convinced that if Prince Harry met her, he's fall pretty hard, and that they'd make an amazing couple. “Tell Prince Harry to call me!,” she said.

“I feel like I’m almost about to be royalty, so if he teamed up with me, I think I could make him look good. I think we’d be a good couple. I’d help him step his game up.”

She's even thought about what she's going to do to impress his grandmother, the Queen. “If I was to meet the Queen I would bow down and I would give her a wig! This wig would be so fly on the Queen,” she joked. “I want to meet her so bad! Do you think...

How Kate Gosselin's kids ruined Christmas

How Kate Gosselin's Kids Ruined Christmas
It’s official—Christmas is ruined. And it’s all thanks to Kate Gosselin’s eight little devil kids who are running around school telling the other kids there’s no Santa.

Most children encounter these Grinch-like kids at some point who made it their M.O. to rain on everyone else’s dreams of a fat jolly man sliding down the chimney. But the poor school kids in rural Pennsylvania never stood a chance against the anti-Christmas army of eight.

A source told, "The kids don't believe in Santa Claus, and they're telling other kids at school that there is no Santa Claus.

Rumours controlled:Nicole Richie is getting married today

Rumor Control: Nicole Richie Getting Married Tomorrow
Nicole Richie was spotted again yesterday on her way to yet another workout—girl has been hitting the gym like it’s going out of style!

Could it be because she’s trying to shed those extra few lbs. (that she doesn’t even have) before her wedding day? That’s my theory, at least!

Rumors have been circulating for months that Nicole and Joel Madden were getting married the first weekend of December at her father Lionel Richie’s estate in Beverly Hills.

New Details on Nicole Richie's December Wedding

The time has finally come, and all signs point to yes, she is tying the knot tomorrow! According to, there were trucks pulling up to Lionel’s pad this morning, and workers were unloading boards to make a platform for the backyard.

Jennifer Lopez add one more thing to her Resume

Jennifer Lopez Adds One More Thing to Her Resume
Jennifer Lopez is one busy girl! She’s the new judge on American Idol, she’s launching a new clothing line at Kohl’s and now she’s been named the global brand ambassador for L’Oréal Paris. And you think your 8 hours at the office is too much to handle!

Jenny from the block will appear in television ad campaigns starting in 2011. She will focus on selling on the brand’s EverSleek hair care products.

Look Like Kohl's

“What I wear and how the hair and makeup is and how I move and choose to move in the [ad] campaign says a lot for the product and what we are trying to portray,” Lopez told WWD.

Do you actually think celebrities use the products they endorse? I highly doubt Jennifer Lopez is gonna use L’Oréal products for that hair. She's just too fabulous to use a product that...

Video:Glee Christmas Episode

Videos: Glee Christmas Episode
It’s going to be a very Glee Christmas this year!

Two videos have leaked online from next week’s Christmas themed episode, and they will definitely get you into that holiday spirit!

Rachel and Finn to Leave Glee?

This wouldn’t be a Glee post without mentioning Lea Michele, who belts out “Merry Christmas Darling” on a snowy stage. It kind of pulls at the heart strings, seeing as though she and Finn aren’t together right now! Sad face!

The real winner is Chris Colfer and Darren Criss’ rendition of “Baby It’s Cold Outside.” It’s such a great modern take on the old classic!

Nicole Richie and Joel Madden:How it all started

Nicole Richie and Joel Madden: How it All Started!
With Nicole Richie and Joel Madden probably tying the knot this weekend, we thought we’d take a trip down memory lane to see how these two got together!

Interestingly enough, the first time Hollyscoop ever wrote about Nicole and Joel was December 6, 2006 after the two were spotted getting cozy at Teddy’s together. This could explain why they chose to get married this weekend—it’s their four year anniversary!

Nicole Richie Dating Rocker Joel Madden

By July of 2007, magazines everywhere started confirming the months-long rumors that Nicole was pregnant with their first baby, Harlow Winter Kate, who was born in January of 2008. This was also the beginning of years of engagement rumors!

Pregnant Nicole Richie Engaged Too?

Just one year after Harlow was born, Nicole was knocked up again! In February of 2009, Joel wrote on his...

Thursday, December 2, 2010

Eminem and Bruno Mars lead 2011 Grammy Nomination

Eminem and Bruno Mars Lead 2011 Grammy Nominations List
The 2011 Grammy nominations are in and it looks like it's Eminem's year! Em leads the pack with 10 nominations this year with Bruno Mars coming in at a close second with 7 nods.

Lady Gaga, Jay Z and Lady Antebellum each snagged up six nods, while John Legend, B.O.B, Philip Lawrence and David Frost earned five each.

"This year's nominations are a true reflection of an exceptional and talented community of music makers that embody some of the highest levels of excellence and artistry in their respective fields," said Neil Portnow, President/CEO of The Recording Academy.

Check out the nominations below and tell us your thoughts! The show will air live on CBD on February 13, 2011.

Eva Longoria and Tony Parker Reunite

Eva Longoria and Tony Parker Reunite
Eva Longoria and Tony Parker reunited this week, but it's not what you think.

The ex-couple were spotted at a Los Angeles-area hotel on Wednesday having lunch, and believe it or not, they seemed pretty civil.

"They remain friends and everything is amicable," Eva's camp a source tells People. "Eva is a class act. That's how gracious she is."

It was just the two of them and no lawyers were present. Oh to be a fly on that wall!

Do you think they were discussing the terms of their split or possibly considering reuniting? What are your thoughts?!

Does Taylor Swift Deseve to be Entertainer of the Year?

Does Taylor Swift Deserve to Be Entertainer of the Year?
Taylor Swift has had one hell of a year. But is she worthy of her latest praise? Just this morning Entertainment Weekly named T-Swizzle the Entertainer of the Year.

With four Grammy wins including album of the year, a hot new album, a massive U.S. tour, and a budding movie career, I can see why she was the top choice.

Taylor and Jake Meet the Parents

Swift talks about her songwriting choices, which usually revolve around one of the guys she’s dated in the past.

“Sometimes I would laugh because I would see it in print and it would say, ‘This song, which is written about her ex, so-and-so…’ And they would write about it as if it was fact.

The fact is, I haven’t ever confirmed that any song is about any particular person. There’s something kind of freeing about that. As...

Miley Cyrus Nude Pics Leak

Miley Cyrus Nude Pics Leak
UPDATE: Apparently it's not Miley after all! Internet sites claim that the girl in the photo is a 19-year-old "Miley look-a-like" from London. The girl apparently loves telling boys she looks like Miley.

The picture spread like wildfire today on the Internet. According to Gossip Cop , Cyrus’ camp is not happy and is considering to take legal action.

Nudey pics of Miley Cyrus have just leaked online…are we really surprised? I’ve been calling her Lindsay Lohan 2.0 for months now, so as far as I’m concerned, she’s right on target!

ONTD posted the scandalous pics this morning of Miley posing seductively, wearing nothing but a long plaid flannel shirt.

So how did these gems make it to the general public? Apparently Miley’s purse was stolen last week, and these pics were found on her phone or camera.

A Look back at Britney Spears 'Roaring Twenties

A Look Back at Britney Spears' Roaring Twenties
Happy 29th birthday, Britney Spears! To celebrate everything that is Brit-tastic today, Hollyscoop is taking a look back at Ms. Spears' last decade. And trust us, a LOT has gone down!

Todd Palin:I Want to Dance Too

If you thought having Bristol Palin on Dancing with the Stars was a bad idea, wait til you get a load of this.

According to E! online, Bristol's dad Todd Palin now wants in on the show and is being considered for the next season. Short dresses and hot dancers? He's totally there!

Bristol Palin: Hollywood's Next Millionaire

A source told E! News: "They want him big time. They'd love Sarah herself, but that will never happen, so why not dad?"

Sarah and Todd have been battling divorce rumors for over a year now. Having him do the tango with a smoking hot 20 something year old on national television isn't exactly the best way to squash the rumors. But than again, Bristol made a ton of cash from the show, so maybe he'll do it for the Benjamin's.

Sarah Jessica Parker:I'm Aging!

Sarah Jessica Parker: I'm Aging!
Sarah Jessica Parker will always be Carrie Bradshaw in our hearts, but a lot of time has passed SATC wrapped and SJP admits she's done a lot of aging ever since.

Unlike most stars her age, SJP didn't rush to the plastic surgeon's office at the first sight of a wrinkle. But that's why we love her! SJP opens up to Elle Magazine in the new issue about aging, her new twins and fashion. Here are some highlights from the interview:

On aging naturally:
“I don’t know what I can do about the aging. Yes, I am aging. Oh my God, I’m aging all the time. It’s like those flowers that wilt in front of you in time-lapse films. But what can I possibly do? Look like a lunatic?”

What Cee-Lo think about Gwyneth and Grammy Nom

What Cee-Lo Thinks About Gwyneth and Grammy Noms
Cee-Lo was nominated this morning for seven Grammys--a pretty amazing feat, seeing as though the only other two artists who got as many nods were Bruno Mars and Eminem.

Hollyscoop talked EXCLUSIVELY with the "Forget You" singer, who told us "everything is happening so fast.".

"Everything is great," Cee-Lo said of his reent career resurgence. "I feel very fortunate, I’m having a lot of fun with the record. I’m working harder than I have in a long time, It’s all in good reason.".

As for his controversial song (which is really titled "F**k You") about an ex, Cee-Lo says he never knew it would become such a hit. "It wasn’t mean to be a radio song initially," he explained. "It really took a life of its own, I had no idea it would become what it is today.".

So will he really be singing the song live at the Grammys? He's ready to...

Johnny Depp:Why I Won't marry Vanessa

Johnny Depp: Why I Won't Marry Vanessa
Every summer for the past 10 years we hear a rumor about how Johnny Depp is going to marry his longtime love Vanessa Paradis. And every Fall we forget they're still not married.

Johnny and Vanessa have been together for 12 years and have two kids together, so why won't he marry her already?! "I never found myself needing that piece of paper," he tells Extra.

Johnny Depp on Angelina: Poor Thing!

"Marriage is really from soul to soul, heart to heart. You don't need somebody to say, okay you're married."

Good point Johnny! They took the Brangelina route before Brangelina was Brangelina, and their relationship has outlasted 90% of the marriages in Hollywood.

But, he added that "if Vanessa wanted to get hitched" he would at the altar waiting for her. But the chances of that happening are super slim because he'd "be...

Britney to Ex husband:Kiss My Lily White Ass!

Britney to Ex-Husband: Kiss My Lily White Ass!
Britney Spears has finally broken her silence on the whole audio tape leak. Now this is the girl we love! She wrote in a tweet today, which happens to be her birthday:

"Ok, off on a romantic weekend with Jason for my birthday. xoxo Brit"

That was followed up with:

"PS - Star Magazine, Radar Online, Jason Alexander and the rest of you liars, Ya'll can kiss my lily white southern Louisiana ass!"

Britney Spears Vs. Her Ex: The Truth About Tape Recordings

She also updated her fans on her upcoming album, which she says will come out in March! Whoohoo!!! "I'm almost done with my new album and it will be coming out this March. I AM IN L-O-V-E WITH IT!" Brit tweeted.

Meanwhile Star continues to stand by their lie story, saying:

"Star magazine stands by its story that Britney Spears told her ex-husband, Jason Alexander, that her boyfriend, Jason...