Monday, October 25, 2010

Obama wants You to know ir Gets Better

Obama Wants You to Know It Gets Better
If you've been a victim of bullying, Barack Obama wants you to know it gets better.

Obama took time out of his busy schedule to tape a PSA for the Gets Better Project, and had great words of encouragement.

“You are not alone. You didn’t do anything wrong. You didn’t do anything to deserve being bullied. There is a whole world waiting for you, filled with possibilities. There arepeople out there who love you and care about you just the way you are,” he said.

Check out the Presidents full message below...

Liam Neeson Replaces Mel Gibson on Hangover Sequel

Liam Neeson Replaces Mel Gibson in the Hangover Sequel
So much for Mel Gibson getting his comeback.

Earlier today it was announced that Mel had been dropped from the Hangover sequel and they have already found his replacement.

Hangover Cast Said NO to Mel Gibson

According to Variety and THR, Liam Neeson has replaced Mel.

The reason they didn't want Gibson was because "they don't want him to be in the movie and serve as a platform for some creepy comeback," an insider said.

"They didn't want that energy or to shoulder what would come with having him apart of the film."

Mel was originally cast as a tattoo artist, but we're not sure if Liam will play the same role or if that was specific to Mel.

Glee Boy to take it off for Playgirl

Glee Boys to Take it Off for Playgirl?
2010 is all about Glee! Just days after the cast got heat for their provocative GQ spread, Playgirl has offered the Glee boys a very tempting offer.

Playgirl is prepared to offer Chord Overstreet and Mark Salling $100,000 to take it off a la Levi Johnston style.

GQ Fires Back at Parents Group Over Sexy Glee Pics

"And he doesn't even have to take it all off," said a rep for Playgirl.

"That Mark Salling who plays Puck. We would definitely want him. We would be very willing to pay for them both—up to 100 thousand. And it wouldn't have to be fully X-rated, either."

Chances are they're making close to $100K an episode so if Playgirl really wants them they're going to have to up the price--a lot!

Taylor Momsen Flashes Fans

Taylor Momsen Flashes Fans
Taylor Momsen knows how to keep things classy.

The 17 year-old Gossip Girl star, who loves to dress like a $2 hooker, flashed the audience on Thursday night during a concert at Don Hill’s in NYC.

Wearing stripper heels and a necklace that said “Slave,” Taylor opened up her shirt and exposed her breasts and pasties. Our friends over at Hollywood Life caught the disturbing act on video, which you can check out below (1:05 mark).

Where are her parents? How can they let their 17 year-old daughter walk around town dressed like a hooker? It's disturbing beyond words!

Lindsay Says she can't afford Rehab

Lindsay Says She Can't Afford Rehab
Lindsay Lohan made her court appearance yesterday and although the judge didn’t send her to jail, he ordered her back to rehab until January. That sounds great for Lindsay, but the only problem is she can’t afford it.

In Lindsay’s probation report it states that Lilo can’t afford to pay for the treatment program.

"She indicates she can not afford to continue to pay for the treatment program and she needs to work," says the report.

Lindsay originally wanted to enter an outpatient center and asked the judge but Judge Elden Fox declined and ordered her to remain there until January 3.

"[Lohan says] her clothing line is falling apart because she is not available to monitor the product," the probation report states.

A 90-day stay at the rehab costs $53,000. That’s how much she would probably spend on buying blow so it doesn’t sound too bad.

One of...

Katy and Russell Tie the Knot

Katy Perry and Russell Brand Tie The Knot
Finally! Katy Perry and Russell Brand have been talking about their wedding forever, but it actually took place.

The two got married on Saturday in a traditional Indian ceremony.

The couple flew to India a few days ago and is having a 6-day traditional wedding celebration.

80 of their closest friends and family were on hand to see the exchange their vows at the Aman-i-Khas resort near the Ranthambhore tiger sanctuary in Rajasthan.

Russell actually proposed to Katy at the tiger sanctuary so that makes everything super romantic.

We can finally congratulate the happy couple!

Rhanna a No Show to katy Perry Wedding

Rihanna a No Show to Katy Perry's Wedding
On Saturday Katy Perry and Russell Brand celebrated their nuptials in front of 80 of their closest friends and family members, but Katy's BFF Rihanna was a no show. Why?

Rihanna skipped the wedding because she was in the studio working on new music, and while Katy says she understood her decision to bail last minute, it still must have been hurtful.

Katy and Russell Get Married

According to TMZ, Katy had already booked a special room for Rihanna, but she got word last minute that RiRi wouldn't be showing up. Trouble in paradise for the BFF's? We hope not!

Meanwhile, Russell bought his new wife a very exotic wedding gift--he got her a Tiger! Apparently he chose the big cat because she is known as the “epitome of beauty” by park rangers and reminds him of his...

Playboy wants Mel Sloppy's Seconds

Playboy Wants Mel's Sloppy Seconds
Playboy reps have been working around the clock lately trying to secure a quasi celeb for their upcoming issue, and we hear they're interested in Mel Gibson's sloppy seconds.

Mel's baby mama Oksana Grigorieva has reportedly been offered a sweet deal by the magazine to shed her clothes, reports TMZ.

Oksana's Affair With Bodyguard Revealed

Sources close to the offer tell TMZ Playboy is willing to fork over a cool $75,000 for her trouble... and to sweeten the deal, they're even willing to give Oksana the cover.

No word on whether Oksana is considering the offer, but she seems so obsessed with money, we really wouldn't put it past her. Do you think she'll cave and do it?

UPDATE: Shocker!!! Oksana is reportedly NOT going to do Playboy. Her rep Steve Jaffe tells TMZ, "Not now, not ever, nor for any amount...

Rihanna has Her Sights Set on Glee

Rihanna Has Her Sights Set on Glee
After the much-talked-about Britney Spears episode of Glee, another pop star is in talks for the Fox hit show.

Rihanna admits she's a fan of the show and thinks making a cameo would be "fun."

“I have seen a couple of episodes and being in Glee would be fun,” Rihanna said. “I’d do it if they asked me. I’d lend my songs to them for sure.”

Rihanna a No Show to Katy Perry's Wedding

Rihanna is taking baby steps into acting. She's set to star in "Battleship," which also stars "True Blood" star Alexander Skarsgård, Taylor Kitsch and model Brooklyn Decker.

"Right now, we have a break from the movie, but I'll be back in

Courtney Cox Divorce could Cost her $50 Million

Courteney Cox's Divorce Could Cost Her $50 Million
If Courteney Cox and David Arquette decide to fill for divorce, it may cost Courtney an arm and a leg to become a single woman again.

Insiders say Courteney could lose up to half of the $100 million fortune she amassed during her 11-year marriage to David. You know all those 'Friends' reruns you watch? Ya, she makes money off of each and every episode that’s reaired!

Courteney and David Reunite for Daughter's Sake

“David is going to hit Courteney where it hurts the most — her pocketbook,” a source told American tabloid the National Enquirer.

“I think he will file divorce papers shortly, and that’s when things will get ugly.”

“I believe David will go for half of their $100 million fortune,” added famed divorce attorney Raoul Felder.

So far their split seems amicable and civil. Just days after announcing their split they were spotted...

Katy and Russel:Honey Moon in Maldives

Katy and Russell: Honeymoon in the Maldives
Katy Perry and Russell Brand claimed they wanted to keep their wedding as "private" as possible, but that hasn't stopped them from releasing info about their wedding and honeymoon.

They're on their way to the Maldives right now for some R&R after spending almost a week in India.

Katy and Russell Get Married

A day after tying the knot, they posted pics of their names (see below) and Tweeted, "WE DID!"

Meanwhile, we hear Katy looked absolutely stunning in an Elie Saab haute couture dress. A source told Us Weekly the gown was dove gray and had lace sleeves.

We have a feeling the Brand's gave Us Weekly the exclusive on their wedding so expect to see photos soon.

Work Out with Madonna

Want to work out with Madonna? Well maybe not with her, but you can work out to a poster of her.

Madonna has partnered with her manager Guy Oseary and New Evolution Ventures to launch "Hard Candy Fitness" global gyms, which will open in major cities around the world.

Bye Bye Jesus! Madonna Has a New Boytoy

According to, "The first Hard Candy Fitness is a beautiful and uniquely designed 30,000 square foot space which is scheduled to open in Mexico City mid November in the exclusive Bosques de las Lomas area. Madonna will be visiting the gym on the 29th of November for the official launch."

So why work out at Madonna's gym? "Throughout her career Madonna has been devoted to fitness and well being and has worked out in literally hundreds of gyms around the world. As a result, she...

Jane Lynch Confesses:"I was on Hangover all The Time

Jane Lynch Confesses: "I Was Hungover All the Time"
Jane Lynch is on top of the world! She's on a hit TV show, just got an Emmy and married the love of her life.

Jane opens up to More magazine about almost missing out on Glee, being sober for almost 20 years, how she proposed to her wife, and being "a little OCD."

Here are some highlights from the interview via Celebitchy:

On almost missing out on playing Sue Sylvester:
True to her workaholic form, Lynch was already committed to two other series (Starz’s Party Down and an ABC project) when the Glee offer arrived. This meant that for the first four episodes of Glee, Lynch’s status was temporary. “We were keeping our fingers crossed that I got to stay.”

On how she met her wife:
Lynch met her wife, Lara Embry, last year at a lesbian rights fundraiser. A week after...

Lady GaGa You Tube Justin Bieber Beat Down

Lady Gaga's YouTube Justin Bieber Beat Down
In the YouTube showdown between Lady Gaga and Justin Bieber….Gaga wins!

She’s beat out JB as the first artist to reach 1 billion views on YouTube. But Bieber is right on her trail, trailing close behind with 962,726,797 total video views.

Lady Gaga's Stage Demands Revealed

She’s expected to reach one million hits by November 1. He does already hold the YouTube record for most views of a single video for his hit "Baby," which on Sunday afternoon displayed a total of 365,643,608 views.

Lady Gaga took to her Twitter to write to her fans, saying, "We reached 1 Billion views on youtube little monsters! If we stick together we can do anything. I dub u kings and queens of youtube! Unite!"

Mel Gibson"Furious"As he get caught from Hangover

Mel Gibson "Furious" That He Got Cut From Hangover Sequel
Mel Gibson is suffering the consequences for being such an angry dude.

Mel was cast in the Hangover sequel, but was immediately axed because the cast and crew didn’t want him in the movie. He was replaced by Liam Neeson.

Liam Neeson Replaces Mel Gibson in the Hangover Sequel

Mel is reportedly very angry that they didn't give him a chance to redeem himself.

An insider says, "He doesn't understand why Mike Tyson, a drug user [and convicted rapist, as points out] who turned his life around, was given a chance while Mel was kicked to the curb. Everybody deserves a second chance."

Good point! This was a good chance for Mel Gibson to make a comeback, but it seems like people are just sick of forgiving him.

Amy Winehouse Model for Her own Fashion cloth line

Amy Winehouse Models For Her Own Fashion Line
Amy Winehouse is the model for her own Fred Perry clothing collection.

Her collection looks like all the clothes we see her wearing with those hideous ballet flats.

Amy Winehouse: The Fashion Designer

When speaking about her line, Amy told Glamour magazine, "The collection I've done is so classic, because their style and my style are pretty much the same. Fred Perry is my be all and end all. I've always loved it, always worn it, and it feels like a living dream."

Amy Winehouse is so 2008! Does anyone even care for her anymore? She wasted all her talents when she got caught up in the drugs and unfortunately people stopped caring for her.

Celion Dion Husband:We cried during Birth

Celine Dion's Husband: We Cried During Birth
Celine Dion and her husband Rene Angelil still can't believe they were lucky enough to welcome healthy twin boys this past weekend.

Celine went into labor early but according to her rep, everyone is happy and healthy. In fact, Rene says they were so excited, they couldn't hold back their tears of joy.

Celine Dion Welcomes Twin Boys

"We have tried five times since March 2009 to conceive. It's very hard," he said of their well-known struggle to conceive.

"So when Saturday at 11:11 came, and they showed us the first baby that was crying, we were crying," he confessed.

"It was a very emotional moment," he added, "and even though we didn't speak to each other, we were both thinking about the time it took. We are very lucky, very privileged and very fortunate to have these boys."

Aww that's so cute to hear. We're happy to...

Taylor Swift and Jake Gyllenhall:Hot new Couple

Taylor Swift and Jake Gyllenhaal: Hot New Couple?
Forget John Mayer, Taylor Swift has a new man in her life! Taylor has been spotted on multiple dates with Jake Gyllenhaal while in NYC this past weekend.

First the were spotted together backstage at SNL where Taylor's good pal Emma Stone was hosting. They showed up together and spent most of the night by each other’s side.

"They showed up together," a source tells People. "They walked around together backstage, but they were careful not to be seen too close. It was hard to tell if they were together, but everyone was shocked that she brought him."

The next morning they were spotted having brunch with another couple in Brooklyn where an onlooker says they looked "friendly." They were also spotted together strolling around Brooklyn's Park Slope neighborhood.

Taylor, who is promoting her new album Speak Now recently confessed she...

Taylor Swift and Jake Gyllenhall:Hot new Couple

Taylor Swift and Jake Gyllenhaal: Hot New Couple?
Forget John Mayer, Taylor Swift has a new man in her life! Taylor has been spotted on multiple dates with Jake Gyllenhaal while in NYC this past weekend.

First the were spotted together backstage at SNL where Taylor's good pal Emma Stone was hosting. They showed up together and spent most of the night by each other’s side.

"They showed up together," a source tells People. "They walked around together backstage, but they were careful not to be seen too close. It was hard to tell if they were together, but everyone was shocked that she brought him."

The next morning they were spotted having brunch with another couple in Brooklyn where an onlooker says they looked "friendly." They were also spotted together strolling around Brooklyn's Park Slope neighborhood.

Taylor, who is promoting her new album Speak Now recently confessed she...

The City Gets Cancelled

Whitney Port is saying goodbye to The City--literally!

Whitney was a special guest on KISS FM today and confessed to Ryan Seacrest that her MTV show is being canned.

"As of right now it doesn't really look like we're doing it anymore," Whitney told Ryan Seacrest.

When asked if it could possible move from MTV to another network, Whitney told Ryan, "No, at this point it's not."

But she's not down and out about it. "I'm working on some other things," Whitney said. "It's okay, one door closes and another opens."

We've been hearing the cancellation rumors for months so we're not exactly surprised by the news.

T.I. Gets off The Hook......Sort Off

T.I. Gets Off The Hook...Sort Of
T.I. just got really lucky. The L.A. County District Attorney won't be charging him with drug possession stemming from his arrest last month.

T.I. and his wife were arrested on September 1 for possession of a controlled substance, but he won't get charged because he's already been sentenced to prison for violating his probation, reports TMZ.

There were also legal issues with the case which is why they didn't move forward with the charges.

Arresting officers claim they smelled pot, but it was never booked into evidence.

Guess he got somewhat of a break?

Katy Perry goes Couture for her Wedding

Katy Perry's Goes Couture For Wedding
Katy Perry and Russell Brand’s wedding has been the talk of the town for the last week.

The two lovebirds headed to India for a weeklong traditional Indian wedding.

So what did the bride wear on her big day?

Katy and Russell: Honeymoon in the Maldives

Katy wore a beautiful Elie Saab Haute Couture gown with custom Casadei heels.

The bride wore one-of-a-kind $7000 vintage beaded satin heels.

Designer Cesare Casadei also created the custom matching flat for Katy to change into for late night dancing!

Guess it does pay to be a celeb. You get designers making you one of a kind dresses and shoes!

Young Hollywood React Glee GQ photo controversy

Young Hollywood Reacts to Glee GQ Photo Controversy
Everyone and their mother has an opinion on the Glee GQ magazine controversy. Well, everyone except the newest Glee cast member Chord Overstreet. When we pressed him on the issue, he simply told us, “I’m not going to comment because that is not really my job.”

Um, ok diva! Hollyscoop talked with young stars at the Variety Power of Youth event and the rest of them did have an opinion on the matter. Here’s what they had to say:

Elizabeth Gillies from Victorious:
“I thought they looked cool. I see it was a little risqué and I get that. It was for GQ…it was not that bad. I can understand. I did not see that big of a problem with it.”

The View Addresses Glee GQ Controversy

Kendall Jenner from Keeping Up With the Kardashians:
“They are adults, they can do what they want to do I...

Report:Mariah Expecting a boy

Report: Mariah Expecting a Boy
We can all pretty stop wondering if Mariah Carey is pregnant or not. Ok, she hasn’t exactly come out and confirmed it. But seriously, who is she kidding…

Now we have even more proof, since a source just came forward to HollyBaby to say not only is Mimi knocked up, but she’s having a boy too!

Mariah's Friend Congratulates Her With Baby Book

A source close to Carey and husband Nick Cannon says the two have been tight-lipped about her pregnancy, but she is expected to make an official announcement in the next couple of weeks when she begins promoting her new holiday album, Merry Christmas II You (which is being released on Nov. 2).

“She’s having a boy, but the reason that Mariah didn’t want to say anything is because she is 40, and she’s superstitious,” the insider says. “But...

Friday, October 8, 2010

Kim Kardashian Attack by Jealous bitch

Kim Kardashian Attacked By Jealous Bitch
Kim Kardashian has only been living in New York City for a couple days, and already there’s drama!

According to TMZ, Kim was at Juliet Supper Club last night with sisters Khloe, Kourtney, and her baby daddy Scott Disick.

Eyewitnesses say a male fan asked to take a picture with Kim, and his girlfriend went nuts, then throwing a drink at the reality starlet. Scott and Khloe then jumped into the fight that broke out, and Khloe's ring flew off and skidded across the floor.

Sources say Khloe literally dove across the floor to retrieve it, and luckily was able to get it back. TMZ has the video of the Kardashian clan leaving the club covering their faces.

Of course the cameras were all there to catch the drama unfolding, so we’ll all get the pleasure of watching this on the upcoming season of...

Gwyneth Paltrow Offered Role in Exchange for Sex

Gwyneth Paltrow Offered Role In Exchange for Sex
Sadly, the casting couch is still around in Hollywood. In fact, even Gwyneth Paltrow almost fell victim to it at one point in her career!

In a new interview with Elle, Paltrow recalls a time when she was up for a role if she were to put out.

"When I was just starting out, someone suggested that we finish a meeting in the bedroom," she told the magazine. "I left. I was pretty shocked. I could see how someone who didn't know better might worry, 'My career will be ruined if I don’t give this guy a blow job!'"

Gwyneth has obviously gone on to have a great career, and continues to get great projects at her age. But she admits she was offered better roles when she was younger. "There’s a lot that’s okay, but there’s little that's really good, especially for someone my...

Bill Clinton Gives Sean Penn $500k for Haiti

Bill Clinton Gives Sean Penn $500K for Haiti
Bill Clinton has just donated $500,000 to Sean Penn’s charity to benefit Haiti. The money came from The Clinton Foundation to be used for the J/P Haitian Relief Organization to provide for the building of a camp.

"Rebuilding housing for more than 1 million people displaced by the earthquake will take time, as teams on the ground continue to clear rubble and build infrastructure, including water and sanitation systems," President Clinton said. "In the interim, our commitment to the Petionville camp, managed by J/P HRO, will ensure the 55,000 people living there, including many children, can access health care, education, and job training services until families are able to move into more permanent homes."

Penn said in a statement to People, "The support of President Clinton and the Clinton Foundation is an extraordinary boost in our organization's ability to continue its work...

Lauren Conrad Records Fashion on PSA

Lauren Conrad Records Fashion PSA
Who knew Lauren Conrad had such a sense of humor.

Lauren recorded a fashion PSA and managed to plug in her new book.

She basically talks seriously about Fashion F**k Ups calling them FFP's.

She addresses kitten heels and says the only person that can pull them is Suri Cruise. She also addresses skinny jeans on men, bedazzled shirts and guys that wear cut off shorts.

Its actually a really funny faux PSA, but some guys might wanna actually take it seriously.

Kanye Recruits Alicia Keys on New Album

Kanye Recruits Alicia Keys for New Album
Kanye West has an all-star lineup for his new album! According to reports, he’s recruited M.I.A., Alicia Keys and newcomer La Roux for some tracks on My Beautiful Dark Twisted Fantasy.

Kanye said he's also been in the studio with Kid Cudi, Mos Def and Santigold and that indie musician Justin Vernon is "all over" the album, as well as power couple Beyonce and Jay-Z.

He told the Daily Mirror newspaper: "With the passing of Michael Jackson, I feel a responsibility to bring things to our generation that can inspire and bring real culture to pop culture. I don't sleep anymore thinking how we are going to fill this gap, and create something to inspire on the level he did."

Sounds like this is going to be a huge album! It will be released on November 22.

Angelina Goes To Set as Director in Hungary

Angelina Jolie Goes to Set as Director in Hungary!
Angelina Jolie has officially put on her director’s hat.

Jolie has started work on her new film where she will make her directorial debut. She has a great team to help her as she has teamed up with Oscar winning producer Graham King from The Departed.

"Angelina is one of the most accomplished and dedicated film professionals I have had the pleasure to work with, so I jumped at the chance to produce her directorial debut alongside her," King tells told People Magazine. "I am very happy to be a witness to a new film director in the making."

Filming kicked off at a Budapest orphanage and Jolie has actually cast locals and European actors.

Angelina has her entire family in Hungary with her while she films. She enrolled the kids in school and Brad arrived this week with the twins.

Halle Berry Introduces Her New Man To Her Mum

Halle Berry Introduces Her New Man to Her Mom
You know things are getting serious when you decided to introduce your new man to your mom.

That's exactly what Halle Berry did recently.

Halle Berry and Olivier Martinez have been shooting a movie together in Europe and they brought their romance to the States this past week. Halle arrived to Los Angeles last week and Martinez joined her this week.

"It was a big deal that Olivier got to meet Halle's mom," says a source. "It shows that they are getting more serious."

Do you guys think Halle will actually settle down with Martinez or is he her flavor of the moment?

Harry Potter and the Deadly Hallows

Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows 3-D Release Canceled
Bad news to all the Harry Potter fans that expected to see their favorite film in 3-D. The studio has scrapped plans to release Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows – Part 1 in 3-D because they won't have it completed in time to meet the release date.

They have decided to just release it in 2-D.

Warner Bros. released a statement with the announcement. The statement reads:

Warner Bros Pictures has made the decision to release “Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows – Part 1” in 2D, in both conventional and IMAX theaters, as we will not have a completed 3D version of the film within our release date window. Despite everyone’s best efforts, we were unable to convert the film in its entirety and meet the highest standards of quality. We do not want to disappoint fans who have long-anticipated the conclusion...

Kim Kardashian Blogs About Her Fight

Kim Kardashian Blogs About Bar Fight
Earlier today we reported about the "bar fight" Kim Kardashian was involved in last night in NYC.

Kim, Khloe, Kourtney and Scott were at Juliet Supper Club shooting their reality show when a male fan asked for an autograph and his girlfriend got upset and started a fight with Kim. The Kardashian clan immediately left and Kim addressed the fight on her website today.

She wrote: I want to address this because everyone has been asking me if I’m ok after the bar fight last night. I’m totally fine, guys!

Last night Kourtney, Scott, Khloe and I went out to a bar to have a fun night on Khloe’s last night in NYC. A drunk male fan came up to me and asked to take a picture, and I obliged, but his girlfriend, who was also drunk, got a little out of hand.

Monday, October 4, 2010

Jennifer Aniston is The Ultimate Bachelorette

Jennifer Aniston is the Ultimate Bachelorette
Jennifer Aniston’s perpetual single status has gotten her at the top of a brand new list. According to a poll done by Vanity Fair and 60 Minutes, Jen is is the “Most Eligible Single Woman In the World.”

Aniston won 29% of the vote, with newly single Halle Berry not far behind, with 21% of the total vote. Also on the list is Elin Nordegren, with 15%, Betty White with 11%, Lady Gaga with 5%, and Elena Kagan with 4%.

Jen doesn’t seem to concerned with her inability to remain in a relationship since her divorce from Brad Pitt. She recently told Vogue, "This whole 'Poor lonely Jen' thing, this idea that I'm so unlucky in love? I actually feel I've been unbelievably lucky in love...I'm right where I'm supposed to be."

Britney Working on New Album and Conversatorship Coming to an End

Britney Working on New Album and Conservatorship Coming to an End!
If you think Britney Spears has been spending her time shopping and hitting up a local Starbucks' think again.

Britney is actually working on a new album tentatively scheduled to be released in 2011. She's reportedly already done with 3 tracks and she loves them.

Meanwhile, Britney's conservatorship might be coming to an end in the near future. According to Radar Online, Britney will be on her own and able to control her own finances within the next three months.

"Britney has made tremendous progress in the past three to four months. She seems to be firmly in control again," a source said.

Just last week, Britney and her dad met with the Judge at Los Angeles Superior Court and the judge didn't make any decisions, but sources are saying that by early next year that will change.

Do you guys think Britney should take control again or...

Russell Brand and Katy Perry:Week Long Wedding

Russell Brand and Katy Perry: Week Long Wedding
Russell Brand and Katy Perry's wedding is almost here and rumor has it that they are gonna make it last for a week.

The couple sent out the invitations for their ceremony to friends and family and their wedding will reportedly take place in India later this month.

The white embossed cards said: "Meet you in Delhi in October. Dates to follow. Please allow seven days for this event."

India holds a special place in their heart because Katy and Russell actually got engaged at the Taj Rambagh Palace hotel in Jaipur on New Year's Eve last year.

Their wedding will be a Hollywood meets Bollywood theme and they have hired celebrity wedding planner Mindy Weiss to arrange their big day.
B A source told the Daily Mirror: “Expect the most vibrant wedding of the year. It will be a mix of traditional Hollywood glamour with...

Renee Zellwegger:No Babies For Me

Renee Zellweger: No Babies For Me!
Renee Zellweger doesn't plan on starting a family with Bradley Cooper any time soon because she thinks motherhood is just not her thing. Bradley's off the hook!

Renee says that she's not one of those women that has dreamt of having babies and being a mother.

“Motherhood has never been an ambition,” she said.

“I never had expectations like, ‘When I’m 19 I’m going to have done this, and by the time I’ve hit 25 I’m going to have done that’.

Does this mean that if Bradley and Renee end up together they will not have kids? How could Bradley Cooper not have any kids? He's so hot that he MUST have kids!

Christina Hendrick Loves Being a Sex Symbol

Christina Hendricks Loves Being a Sex Symbol
Christina Hendricks is one of the sexiest women in Hollywood. She is no where near a size zero and that's why we love her. And she loves the fact that we love her!

“I’m thrilled,” Christina said on being known as a role model. “I’d love to be thought of as that.

“Mad Men seems like a very masculine show but there are women who are obsessed by it. I think woman appreciate seeing female characters that aren’t just one dimensional.

“I certainly don’t think that more skin relates to sexiness or femininity. To me, falling out of the top of your pants is quite aggressive. It’s so hardcore you feel it’s almost being done to you.”

She is right! We don't like seeing women portrayed as one dimensional!

Rihanna rocks Saturday Night Live on Halloween

Rihanna to Rock Saturday Night Live on Halloween
Rihanna has just been announced as the musical performer for Saturday Night Live on Halloween! Knowing her, she’ll probably have a crazy costume on!

Rap-Up was first to report the good news that she’s the scheduled performer for October 30. And if you needed yet another reason to tune in, Jon Hamm is the host that night!

Sources say Rihanna will likely perform her hit “Onlu Girl” on stage off her upcoming album Loud which comes out November 16.

Additional musical guests on “SNL” this month include Kanye West on Saturday and Bruno Mars’ debut appearance on October 9. This will mark Rihanna’s second performance on the show.